Olathe NEA Representatives Work (and Play) Hard at NEA RA 2018

“Red for Ed” was the unifying theme of the 2018 NEA RA, and seven Olathe NEA members were there to see every minute of the action! Lisa Hirsch, Ben Melick, Tiffany Huitt, Kathy Meyer, Tabbatha Householder, Angie Powers, and Misty Lambeth (pictured below) spent their 4th of July holiday with each other and 6,000 other NEA members from across the globe.

Misty, the art teacher at Sunnyside Elementary, said, “As a first time delegate, it was a great learning experience about how our union works hard for us. I also found it very exciting to be around thousands of people with the same goal as me, which is how can I help my students achieve the their goals.”

Tiffany, a SPED teacher at Walnut Grove, said, “It never ceases to amaze me that 6000+ educators can come together to debate and decide important business of the association passionately and respectfully. I’m proud to be a part of this democracy and am thankful I’ve been able to attend the past 4 years. I would love to see new faces next year. It is an amazing opportunity!”

Angie, an English and AVID teacher at Olathe Northwest, said, “This was my 9th Representative Assembly, and I have learned so much about the key issues in public education and equity as a delegate. I urge  members to run to be a 2019 delegate in Houston. Watch for information about elections in the Olathe NEA Advocate!”


Olathe NEA Members Represent Our Local Proudly!


There’s always time for SOME silliness!